
Comments (6)

What do you think?

Best FNaF game I've ever played. I like the art style and the gameplay 10/10

hey so uhh theres this weird ass bug where in the nighttime when i delete a negative tweet all the other ones negative or not just kinda vanish making the night impossible to complete uuhh yea

imma make a review of this game, ill put the link on this comment when i'm done


Toyfreddy is starving, but he dosen't want to go to any nearby resturants because they all suck. So what will he do? Why make his own fast food chain of course!



During the daytime, you'll making pizza's and cooking burgers to your heart's content, with your shift ending at 6pm. But be carefull! Don't get any of the customers orders wrong! You never know when it'll come back to bite you.


You know what's the eaisest way to have a seemingly posetive online reputation? Deleting any comments that even dare criticize your cooking. And that's what you'll be doing during 12am to 6am. Scrubbing all your posts clean of ridicule. But watch your back. You never know what might be lurking in the shadows.


All sounds I got from ether or pixabay.

All music I got from pixabay.

Programmer/Artist/Modeler/Voice Actor: me :))

Voice Actor/Beta Tester/Artist: TheGreatZand

(This game is my entry in the Sklarlight's FNAF Jam. Also this is NOT another game in the "ToyFreddy Gets Up" series. This is a stand alone title. I also like to imagen that Toyfreddy and this Toyfreddy are two separate entities.)

#fnaf #fangame #horror #other

Mild Cartoon Violence
Strong Language
Crass Humor

Weekly Progress Report #1: Added a shop!


Desk Customization! You'll now be able to buy little nik naks to put on your desk! Also I'm now going to try to give you guys a progress report at least once a week. So look forward to that!(they won't all contain videos tho)

Wow guys I somehow was able to make a demo for the full game so here it is haha dont look at the date though its not importent haha go download it here:…


Here's a showcase of how the daytime segment looks currently! Everything here is still a W.I.P.

(also i'm sorry for not posting more often. I needed a break cuz i was feeling burnt out. I'm starting to work on it again tho!)

Sorry for the silence! I just didn't know what to post. I'll give you a little update as to what I've been doin and what I'm gonna start doing soon.


It's my day of birth, so here's a little showcase of the custom night menu so far!(reupload cuz i forgot somthin)

Happy Halloween everyone! Here is a little teaser for a new mechanic Im working on with no context.

Update 1.1: Bug Fixes And What Will Happen With This Game Moving Forward.

I can't remember all the bugs I fixed so I'll just name a few I do remember.

im so very tired

My entry for the Sklarlight's FNAF Jam, ToyFreddy's Prudent Purgatory is now out!…

(the download link is in the description

because gamejolt won't let me upload my build for some reason.)